Yes, our dear, sweet Nicholas is 2-months old today. Why it seems like it was only yesterday that we were sitting at Cedars-Sinai in the delivery room watching "Never Been Kissed" and seeing where the word "RUFUS" came from (watch "Never Been Kissed). He was quite the big moose when he was born and that pretty much still continues to this day. Still, one thing is for certain, he needs a hair cut. Look at his mullet. It's embarassing to see that he share's Billy Ray Cyrus' hair style circa 1992.
He's pretty good about eating and sleeping. He still has a little problem with spewing if he doesn't burp enough, but that's ok. When he burps, he's all boy. I just wish he'd stop evacuating his bowels in such an explosive manner. I have no idea how his poop goes places it shouldn't, but it's difficult to dig out all the little yellow bits in his nooks and crannies.
When I picked-up John on the 8th, I brought him home and he was a little fussy, so we watched the episode of "King of the Hill" where we got "RESPLENDENT" for Nicholas. It truly was like the circle of life which is a wheel of fortune.