Our Nicholas seemed to have a giggle fit when he was playing with Maureen. Enjoy.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
He's A Little More Independent Than John Was
Some of you may recall that we were quite concerned that John wouldn't hold his bottle. If he had his druthers, we'd still hold his sippy cup. When this happened today, we were so pleased. Our little tsar is holding and drinking his own bottle. He's such a good boy.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
First Trip to Sunday Mass
I was quite pleased with Nicholas' behavior at Mass today. He was quiet for the most part. He had his bottle and belched quite loudly, but we were in the last pew, so very few people heard it. He didn't cry at all, unlike his brother. I hope this is a behavior that Little Man Smith (Nicholas) repeats because Little Man Jones (John) was not on his best behavior today.
To top it off, Nicholas was the perfect little prince during lunch. He did not make a peep and looked at the toys on his child carrier while John, Maureen, and I were able to eat. He's considerate like that.
We'll get a picture of him at Sunday Mass next week. That slipped our minds today.
Enjoying the Great Outdoors
Since John enjoys the Agua, I think Nicholas will either learn to love our outings or hate them. These trips are very similar to trips to the park that my family used to take on Sunday afternoons. There are some great video clips that I may post some day of all of my siblings and our shenanigans.
Anywho, I hope Nicholas enjoys them as much as John, Maureen and I do.
Boy's Day
Maureen went to a meeting at school. If you know her, ask her about it. Anywho, this was the first time that I was alone with the boys for an entire day. Our day was planned out. We were going to go to Joey's gym and head over to the fountain after that for some running around. I say it was planned because things didn't exactly happen that way.
As we were preparing to leave to go to the gym, John threw a hissy fit and wouldn't budge. I
gave him two warnings before I took off his shoes and put him in his crib. He fell asleep but woke up when he had to take care of business. Nicholas was a perfect little prince. He just drank a bottle and took a nap.
After that, we seemed ready to go, so I decided to head out to Target to get some sippy cups. Since it was close to lunch, I decided to go to Daphne's prior to going to Target. I was so proud of John. He ate his entire kid's gyro meal and he was patient as I gave Nicholas his bottle. As a reward, I got him a special toy at Target, The Little People Airplane.
While John was having dinner in bed, Nicholas was taking a nice nap. He didn't wake up until after John had finished. He's good like that. He knows that i like to clean up a bit after meals so as not to pile things up. He didn't wake up until Maureen got home. By that time, John was almost ready for bed and Nicholas would be getting his bottle soon enough.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Fun Under the Sea
We went to Jake's birthday party yesterday, or I should say that it was Jake's "Pretend Birthday" party since his birthday isn't until the end of March. Anywho, anyone who's ever been to Under the Sea knows that it's a playground for kids who are able to run around. For little guys, it's just a bit overwhelming. Thankfully, there was an exersaucer for Nicholas to play with. No one came near it until Nicholas was sitting in it. Even John wanted to play with it.
Someone Just Discovered His Hands
Of late, our Nicholas has started to discover additional parts of his body. The latest discovery is his hands. Look at the intensity in his eyes. I can already tell he's going to be as serious as I am. I'm sure it'll be just as much fun to discover a different part of his anatomy in a couple of months every time we change his diapers.
It's A Good Thing He Doesn't Have A Sister
It seems our boy, Nicholas, has an issue with pulling hair at this stage. He was fussy yesterday after our trip to Joey's Gym and the grocery store. He was fussy until Maureen held him and he started to tug on her hair. Let's hope that our boy grows out of this before he goes to school. I really hope that we don't get calls from a nun asking for a meeting because he keeps pulling some little girl's hair.
Friday, March 12, 2010
This Is How We Like Nicholas
Most nights, this is our little boy. Sure, he still throws his arms and legs up in the air as if he is fighting with someone, but he lets us sleep. Thank you Nicholas.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Put Up Your Dukes
Nicholas is starting to discover new parts of his body. These days, he's obsessed with his hands. He'll just stare at them for long periods of time and then he starts to cry for a bottle.
In this photo, it looks like he's ready to fight. I hope John's ready for Hurricane Nicholas when he's a little older. I fear that our Big Moose (my mother doesn't like that nickname) is going to take out his older brother rather easily. He's already starting to pose for the fight pictures.
Monday, March 8, 2010
No Story, I Just Like The Picture
Here's a cute shot from my birthday dinner at Fiddler's Bistro. Nicholas was great and allowed us to have a pleasant meal. Maureen had the salmon salad and said it was excellent. John had the grilled cheese. I had the quesadilla. It was one of the best birthday dinners ever since I had my loved ones with me.
Onion Head
When my neighbor, Jimmy, was a little baby, he had a really bad case of cradle cap. It was so bad that we'd call him onion head because it looked like his scalp was peeling like an onion. Now, the chickens have come home to roost. Our Nicholas has cradle cap. Maureen is obsessed with eliminating it. I tell her that we should use Head & Shoulders, but not Selsun Blue. I fear that the tingling from the Selsun Blue would really creep him out.
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